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1 point

In the U.S. the government built upon their problems and minority so they can become a better country as a Republic and not a democracy you so exemplified for. Freedom is the main source of diversity in all sections, if any person is offended then he/she can explain to the government for a better system with back-up from the people, of course the people would be educated by the government and transparency to support both sides of the argument. In the end both sides would be able to support each other like in U.S. controversial law to allow gays which has lead to other problems but are still leading a pathway for diversity and better freedom.

Hashem(11) Clarified
1 point

Human development is not a problem in a democracy because the people choose where they want to go in a any section of the government making them more mature among each other. Development is the main goal of any democracy so that the people can build upon one another to create a better system for everyone if ever the minority is not included.

1 point

In a dictatorship sometimes crime rate can be low because of all the harsh punishments in the government that are built in unlike in any democracy. But another problem any dictatorship would have is not crime on the people but crime on the government, corruption. Dictatorships always start from the takeover of the previous government lead by one person with no system of succession which leads to corruption no matter what. Lets look at Hitler’s regime, he was elected as chancellor by his democratic party but later kicked the president out of position and held both chancellor and president at the same time, allowing him to take his Nazi party into full swing sweeping the country. Many other dictatorships like Hitler’s never had a country that started in dictatorship. Like Hitler’s dictatorship, many other dictatorships fell or couldn’t fully continue because the dictator had died or was kicked because of the corruption of succession such as North Korea’s leadership which was a dictatorship but later changed to a Socialist State to represent the interest of the people (supposedly).

1 point

Argument 3:

For an all around government to be perfect the people must have a secure amount of freedom and human rights in their country as in democracy. The top 25 most stable and best economically fitted country are mainly free countries. This correlation of freedom and economy is no coincidence, freedom is the baseline for a good economy of the choices you have for investment, trade, and ownership without having the government take or have an interest in any of your market. The freedom also helps the citizens exercise their universal rights upon one another to insure a safer, secure, and the maturity of the people develop in a way where everyone has the same option of religion or practice, education, job and so forth. To exercise freedom allows equality and no disparity among the the people’s country. Freedom is essential for perfect government of democracy to continue development of humanity and prosperity in all sections work.

Information about top 25 in link below

1 point

Yes the minority do not win their voice and say all the time but they are accepted and are put in mind for all members in the government meaning that anyone who is part the minority only lets the choice go in the right direction for everyone since the vote goes to all. In an extreme case if the vote went to 52%-48% the government would take both vote into consideration and create a new more flexible referendum. In the case of a presidential election which in most cases is not in available in true democracy, the president can always change and implement new ideas with the right people backing him up. Its not like a one man stand where he gets it all.

1 point

How does the average citizen know that the dictatorship is right? He is the all ruler am I right? Whatever he does is a final decision that can not be influenced by the people in their view if it ever is or was. The people do not know what the dictator will do to them because they aren’t received as valued citizens and giving the rights they deserve. All dictatorships never give power or say to the people in the government rendering them useless in the government making the dictator untrustworthy and too overruling.

1 point

There is no wrong or right decision in democracy, it is just what the people want. They are being educated through government transparency and can easily resolve any situation or referendum through vote like in the "Brexit" where true democracy is being put in place.

1 point

In both Dictatorships and Democracy the uneducated affect the choices of government. If the leader in a dictatorship which in true practice has no support behind makes a bad choice then the whole country gets affected. In a Democracy the people can make bad uneducated choices but can be resolved through transparency of the government which can act through a push. What is bad about mobs and protests, this only shows how well the citizens can exercise their freedom to get what they want which does not exist in any dictatorship.

1 point

Dictatorships never put any value or power in their citizens in which any government is based for, it’s people. In history and in practice the voice of the people is not put into any consideration in the leader’s mind. In practice the leader is always doing right for the country and is striving for a better future for the country, the country of which is him because he over rules the country and the people are just people who must follow or else. All dictators in their mind always feel they are doing good for the country in which the people the dictator believes should value.

1 point

Yes, the citizens have a great influence in the vote of members, leaders, and rules helping shape the country in the point of view for the people. Allowing the people to connect with the politics and government makes the citizens feel connected with their country and insures the government does good for everyone. This also allows a good representation of candidates to control the government because they are elected by the people in an open fashion. This creates a society where everyone is equal in power and can understand one another's ideas since everyone has a voice in the government.

1 point

Argument 1:

Government is completely transparent

Having an open government insures the trust and cooperation of the citizen and gives more public knowledge. Allowing a citizen to be more knowledgeable is key to insuring the citizen and the government are doing the right choice and taking the right action. This way information can spread faster instead of being in public disclosure allowing more time for the government. This also re-purposes the action and work that is happening in the government in a way the public can understand. This may make the public require more information but is that a bad thing if the government is doing right? True transparency in the government would stop corruption and scandals from happening because the government would not want the public to know about it. Without government complete transparency like in democracy the country wouldn’t feel as secure or be as informed as it is to making the right decisions.

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