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1 point

Closing Statement:

A democracy is BETTER than a dictatorship because of how it imposes equality, freedom of speech and thoughts and lets the people have their say in the government. However, a dictatorship controls everything and decides for the citizens. There isn't any freedom and the people usually hate their dictator. To conclude, a democracy is way better than a doctoral for multiple reasons.

1 point

It is true that they know what they are doing in a way but for examples Hitler. He did know what he was doing but he killed 6 million of jews just because HE thought he was doing the right thing. If there wrfij other people helping him with his decisions, he might have realised that what he was doing was just terrible.

1 point

Thats why the final decision is taken by one group of people. Everyones voice is heard to make the final decision a good one. Dictatorships usually don’t last long as their is only on person in power. There’s high chances that the people will do anything to overthrow the government. Dictators will never accept someone else to take their power, so to retire their power is usually taken away by the people

If the dictator dies, a lot of problem is created because no agrees on who the power is going to.

1 point

Most of the dictators dont really know what they are doing.They just want to get into power to decide for a whole country and feel important. It is true that some people that vote dont know a lot about the political issues but they for sure know what is needed for them to be able to vote.

Government officials will have obligation to the citizens who voted for them, they owe their success to the citizens. It can help these officials work towards policies and goals they were elected to impose.

1 point

Argument 3: Government

In a democracy the power is spread out. It isn’t one person who holds all of the power, or even the majority of the power. And that helps to prevent, corruption and the exploitation of the people.

1 point

It is true that some democrat leaders end up becoming dictators but that is really rare. Most of the leaders stay democrat and continue to help and try to do their best for their people until someone else gets elected.

1 point

The election process is a good thing, having one means that the leader will probably be a good one. that he will please the citizens. In a democracy, as the leader doesn't get elected,a lot of people dont like him and he usually harms and "destroys" his people.

1 point

Dictatorships dont really care about serious problems unless it affects the dictator himself.You might be right on the fact a democracy gets a lot of people involved and take time to resolve it but it is better to take a little more time to resolve a big problem which will then help the country than resolving a serious problem in a short amount of time that will just make everything even worse than before.

1 point

A democracy works way better because the decisions are made to please the citizens. It may cost a lot of money but it is for a good reason, it is for the best. As you said a dictatorship has less options which is a bad thing because all of the options might be terrible ones that are bad for the population. Dictators treat the people really bad for something to process pretty quickly whereas a democracy listens and takes time to make the decision help the country.

1 point

Argument 2: Transparency in the government

Elected representatives in a democracy have direct relationships with the country's citizens. In which whose votes encourage the winner to act honestly by representing the people's will. The various laws, constitutional provisions, and internal regulations found in democracies reflect the idea of those who work for the government. Whether they are appointed, elected, or hired, they owe a high level of accountability to the public.

1 point

How does it allow human rights? As you said it depends on the dictator himself, well most of the dictators did not allow human rights and there isn't freedom of speech in a dictatorship. Dictators decide for their country,and do not let anyone have their say in the decisions, they only think about what's good for them not their people. Democratic countries help make better improvements to the society than other governments because people are free to work and think and believe what they want.

1 point

Dictators only care about themselves, not about their people. If people are against the government, they will usually punish or even kill them. The "rights" they give are "good" rights only for the dictator himself not the citizens.A democracy gives the people the right to have their say in the government, the citizens are free.

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