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Hunter 8G

Lauren0824's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Lauren0824's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Yes the punishment may be harsh but it will not be death if you do something small. The punishment helps keep the country safe because people don't want to pay fines and get in trouble. It stops people from breaking the law and stops the crime rate because they don't like the idea of the punishment. Just because the dictator may not like you they are not going to kill you.

1 point

It may seem that freedom is always the answer to a perfect government but in many cases it can lead to a huge problem. So with different types of freedom it can affect and offend people in many ways. Since people have freedom of speech and religion, people that do not agree with other religions can say what they want and that can offend others. Also it may seem that discrimination does not exist any more but in the US black and white people are still different and do not get the same amount of rights.

1 point

Third Argument:

A country run by a dictator shows less crime rate because of strict laws and punishments. Even if it is a very small infraction there is a heavy punishment.

They also have the power to make sure laws are enforced properly.

They can control human development and they can promote development and get rid of social difference. Dictatorships have more growth economically than any other type of government. With one ruler it maintains focus and direction because of personal discipline. Even though it may be strict the government and country benefit in growth and development

1 point

The dictator will listen to the public because they want the best for the country. they want the country to grow and have development. Flexibility in economic policy and that creates growth. It shows that dictators have the most growth in their countries GDP. An example is when Lee Kuan Yew ruled Singapore in 1959 to 1990. Singapore had a 6.5x increase in GDP per capita. So it is true that the dictator does listen to the public and tries to make the country better.

1 point

A dictator not allowing the people to vote is a good thing because when a democracy has a majority over minority way this can cause outbreaks of the public against the government. A dictator has total power to make or take down a law if the people are not happy with it. They listen to the people when they are not happy and changes the decisions to a better one.

1 point

Even though the dictator may not allow the people to vote, they know what they are doing for the government. If the people disagree with a new law the dictator has the power to republish the law and makes sure the people are happy with it. He/she can do this because they have total power and no one can stop their decision.

1 point

When the freedom is in the people this can create a problem. It can become a problem because when people are uneducated about major issues and it can lead to majority voting for the wrong decision.

1 point

Second Argument:

When one person rules it creates a strong government because there is no one to revolt against a new law and there is no other body or authority to veto decisions. In times of crisis they have the ability to react to new developments and implement new plans. Dictators have the need to promote development and get rid of social difference and has better control over human development. This creates a more stable government because no one else has a say and laws will be passed quicker if they help the country.Finally, when a dictator enforces a law he/she has total power to make sure it is enforced properly and can make severe penalties of infractions of law

1 point

But if the leader is a strong leader and knows what is right for the country then they have a strong leader for a long time. In a democracy people select leaders very frequently which creates lack of continuity.

1 point

It can also cause people getting more freedom than others when it comes to social status.

1 point

but in a democracy there is a majority over minority vote. so the minority could get overlooked and forgotten. This can cause mobs and people taking stand if they don’t agree. Also this can cause people getting more freedom than others when it comes to social status

1 point

In a democracy there is a majority over minority way of voting and in a large democracy the process of counting and collecting votes can be very inefficient. With a dictatorship one person controls what laws are passed and makes sure the public support the decision. Then there is no inequality.

1 point

There is no fighting amongst government officials to paralyse progress and there is no time is taken away for people to agree on decisions.

When a dictator enforces a law he/she has total power to make sure it is enforced properly and can make severe penalties of infractions of law

1 point

Since the ultimate power lies with the people, they can influence the leader to make bad choices that affect the government. Also it can cause people getting more freedom than others when it comes to social status. But with a dictatorship, the dictator promotes human development and stops social difference

1 point

Opening Statement:

Dictatorships have been know to not work but there are many reasons why a dictatorship is better than a democracy. Dictatorships can offer low crime rate, the ruler will know what the people need, and there is flexibility in the economy which causes growth.

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