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Class-ishaan's Waterfall RSS

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Closing statement:

In the end a dictatorships offer a better form of government for the reasons that they allow more change, they decrease crime rates, and also there is stability in the government so it is sustainable.

On the other side of your argument maybe democracies have not harsh enough punishments. Even though there may be death penalties these penalties show results and will cause people not to do the crime again.

Yes many of the top countries are free but not all free countries are necessarily democracies. Also there are many countries that have strived under non democratic ruling such as China and South Korea. Countries such as India have actually been doing worse after switching to a democratic government.

here is some evidence

Is this always bad if the dictator is a good person. Also when giving people influence there is always a risk that the people may make bad decisions as not all citizens have proper knowledge or education for a topic at hand.

In your argument you are assuming that the dictator is a bad person and does what is best for him. Can you provide any evidence that most dictators would do this?

In a democracy it is just not what the people want it is what the majority want.

In a democracy often then not with the case of minority and majority. The minority get the short end of the stick. For example in the case of electing presidents the minority would not get the ruler they want and would it wouldn't be fair for them. Since there is freedom of speech the minority can say what they think but that doesn't really help them since often than not they wouldn't change leaders.

This would only work if the people in the democracy were all educated and made proper decisions. Even in the government there may be many cases of corruption that would cause bad decisions for the country. In a dictatorship also it is not always a case of someone forcing themselves into power.

In many cases putting power into the people can be bad since many citizens can be uneducated to make correct government. Since the leader in practice is striving for the better of his country he would be making good decisions.

Argument #1:

In a dictatorship there can be more changes since only one person is in rule and laws and other changes don't have to go though a lot of processes.

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