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Pareesa6's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

As I said before, your only thinking of bad dictatorships. There have been many successful dictatorships as there have been many failed democracies. When the power is put into the hands of a good dictator he knows what is best for the country and takes care of it, he makes good decisions which are stable and efficient.

3 points

Your only thinking bad dictatorships, there have been many good dictatorships just like there have been many bad democracies. Habib Bourguiba for example was a dictator who ruled Tunisia from 1957 to 1987. He lead the fight for Tunisia's independence from France. He became the first President of the Republic of Tunisia. During his rule women were granted the right to vote, polygamy was stopped, and the country moved from a one-party system to a multi-party system.

1 point

Argument 3:

A dictatorship is so much more stable than a democracy for many reasons .There is one person who knows what they're doing and making all the decisions, the decisions since they are being made by one person they are a lot more final. Laws are made faster and much more efficiently. While in a democracy decision are made by big numbers of people, only the thoughts of the majority are taken to account, and the thoughts of the minority are ignored. Decisions have a long process of being made and are not always very strong.

2 points

A good dictator that knows what hes doing and does the right thing with the peoples best interests at heart, he punishes the citizens reasonably and only passes laws that are important and good for the country.

1 point

Educating the people doesn't always work and isn't very efficient and can result in high crime rates, harsh punishments encourages the citizens not to break any laws and results in low crime rates.

3 points

A lot of people agreeing with the choice of the leader doesn't always work, because the people may not be educated enough to know what is best for the country. And the thoughts of the minority are not taken for consideration. Many times in a democracy leaders say what they know the people want to hear, this may not always be the best for the country and the leader may also be lying. Sometimes people also vote for leaders they may relate to, such as leaders from similar backgrounds.

2 points

Freedom for the people cant always be good, because it is possible the people can make mistakes which can corrupt the government. And freedom for the people ca also lead to decisions being made slower and laws less enforced.

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