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Tuanafayyad's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tuanafayyad's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Singapore is one of the rare cases where the people respect the dictators ways, however there are many cruel and bad dictators who have used their power to abuse a country. Some of the worst leaders in the world, such as Saddam Hussein, are dictators. It is much better to avoid the chance of a country collapsing because of a harsh dictator, it is better to have a democracy so you can always have a voice and a chance to vote for someone new if the leader ends up being bad.

1 point

In a dictatorship people do not usually get a say in what happens in their country. Also, the dictator can choose who they want to be in their "government", for example, Muammar Gaddafi (now overthrown dictator of Libya) allowed only a small group, mostly members of his family, to participate in the governing of the country.

2 points

The reason why crime rates are very low is because the dictator establishes harsh punishments for even the smallest crimes. People should not be harshly punished when they commit a small crime, although it creates a more safe society, it could also create fear and anger amongst the people because of the harsh laws that they are bound to.

2 points

Argument #2: People living in a democracy would have a place to turn to if they ever have an issue in their country, they can easily access their local official. These officials can then help them with their problems and guide them through the steps they need to take to get it to the next level of government. This right will let people know that they have a voice in their country and if they ever feel that there is a problem that is really bothering them, there can always be a way to solve it. The right to have a voice is important for a person, if there is an issue in a country, it should have the chance to be brought up and fixed to make the people happier and to make the country an overall better place.

1 point

Even if the dictator has advisors, the decision to pass a law or not would still be entirely up to him. If the democratic leader becomes corrupt and avoids elections, they will no longer be a democratic leader, they would be a dictator. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe is said to have risen to power by scaring the public into voting for him. This shows how unfair dictators can be.

2 points

Although not every democratic country supports gay marriage, the people would have the power to have a voice and express their feelings about this subject. In the US, gay marriage was recently legalized. This shows that in a democracy, the people in power can change the laws in favor of the citizens to ensure that they are earning the freedom that they deserve. In a dictatorship, people would never have the chance to express their feelings about the way their country is run because they wouldn't have the freedom of speech. They would have to follow whatever rule that their dictator sets for them, and if they don't, it usually ends up in harsh punishment. If people are scared into following something they don't believe, they will not respect their leader and they will not feel comfortable in their own country.

1 point

Since only one person has all the power in a dictatorship, the right to pass a law easily can be abused, they could create harsh and cruel laws. There are no different branches in the government, different branches of the government that can balance out the others and monitor them. In a dictatorship this doesn’t exist. So no matter what is being done, there is no one to intervene and try to stop it. The process of a law being passed in a democracy ensures that it is a law that everybody would benefit from, this is why it goes through a long process, to make sure that the citizens would benefit from it instead of the law just favoring the person in power.

1 point

If some people have a say just because they are more educated than others, that would make the other people in the country feel extremely insignificant and feel mediocre compared to the people who would rarely get the right to vote in a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, it is rare that anyone gets to vote, and when you do get the chance, only the "educated" people get the right to do so. If people know they have the right to vote, it would encourage them to become more educated about their country. Each year, the amount of people who show up to vote for their officials increases.

2 points

Although people might not be completely aware of who they are voting for or what the elected president is capable of doing, if the person in power is not doing their job correctly, they would not be re-elected in the next elections. Since they are only in power because of the people who voted for them, they would do everything they can to keep the people happy in order to get their vote again in the next elections. In a dictatorship, the people would be stuck with the person that is in power, whether they are corrupt or not, the citizens have no say in who is in power.

1 point

Although not everybody votes, it is much better to have the choice and the right of voting than not having a say at all. Dictators are not chosen by the people and once a dictator is in power, nobody can change that. However if the people in a democracy end up not liking the way the person they voted for is running their country, they can always vote for a new person in the next elections, they would never be stuck, they will always be able to have a say. Although there are some benevolent dictatorships where the people might not be completely ignored, people do not usually get a say in how things work in a dictatorship since only one person has the power to make every decision in the country.

2 points

Argument #1: People deserve to have freedom. A democracy allows them to feel important and wanted in their country, it gives them a say on how they want their country to be run. In a democracy, the people have the say in who is elected into any form of government office, these government officials will then make decisions for the country based on what the majority of people want. This way, the feelings of the people will not be neglected or ignored, the way the people feel will determine who and how their country is run.

3 points

Opening Statement: A democracy is better than a dictatorship for many reasons. A democracy is a type of government that puts all the power within the people. Unlike a dictatorship, a democracy allows people to have the freedom that they deserve and allows them to have a voice. A democracy lets people feel significant in their country and let them know that their opinion matters too. Democracies promote equality and freedom, two necessary things that people deserve in life.

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