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Hunter 8G

Yejinshin's Waterfall RSS

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1 point

However, because election happens very frequently in democratic countries, it will help people to get involved in the society and it will make them get more interested about the politics and earn new knowledge from it.

1 point

I agree that elections can be expensive. However, through electoral process citizens can get more benefits by having a proper leader because during the election process, citizens can get some informations about candidates for representatives. It will be much better than not having a proper election like dictatorship because there is a high possibility for the country to have a new leader that citizens do not want.

1 point

Argument #1:

The first reason why a democratic government is better than a dictatorship is that a democratic government promotes human rights. Human rights are huge aspect of democracy. In democratic countries, government allows the people with freedom of thought, worship, speech and action. These rights are really important because it makes individuals to grow and pursue their personal dreams and goals because they can do anything they want, with the exception of crime, by raising their voices through various platforms such as media. However, dictatorship is very oppressive so people under dictatorship have less freedom of human rights as they are just expected to follow and never to ask questions to their leader or the government.

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